January 30, 2013

day 10

hari nie hari ke 10 cuti sem...a happy day for me...yeay!! ..so arie nie stat pagi ngan a morning wakeup call dr yg tersayang...heheh...then sbb mslh teknikal kat tepon terpaksa la gi sunway untk repair phone tu...tp nsib ad org sudi teman gi repair phone..hehe..suka2...then smpi sunway, gi tgk ticket wyg dlu..cita Hanzel & Gretel Which hunter..best gak cita tu...hehe..nice...tp sbb tlupa nk bwk slendang.kesejukan dlm wayang,...ah ah ah..b4 tgk wyg tu gi jln2 dlu smntra phone di rpair..nsib siap arie nie gak klu tak sebulan la kena menanti..hoho..ta sangup, ktorg gi tgk org ice skating...sronok tgok org maen n jatuh..pling best yg buat ktorg ketawa besar ad org yg ambik gmbr utk souvenir pekena a couple yg sedang maen...yg the girl asyik nk jatuh but cameramen tu asyik srh dorg wat mcm2 pose..kesian kt dorg...then for breakfast is kebab..hee..nice...lunch lak kt KFC...then just jalan2 sket..pusing2...lelong2...tngkap gmbr kt kapal dlm sunway tu..n thats about it...then after anta si dia pulang..sy pon pulang...wow..what a happy day..it makes me smile...tenkiu heart for a wonderful day...so skrg just mengupdate phone n mengistall apps suma yg ilang...ah ah ah..hope it will be a fine day to come in the future...


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